COVID-19 Vaccine Information
The health buzz kicking off 2021 is COVID-19 vaccinations! Depending on what part of Canada you are in, your age and your living arrangements, you may have been part of the fortunate group who have already received your COVID-19 vaccine. For the majority of...
Your Feet, Your Food, Your Fitness!
Walking: Your Feet, Your Food, Your Fitness With type 1 diabetes it is important to make adjustments to your supplemental insulin and food intake to match the type, time, and intensity of your physical activity. Proper planning and monitoring of your insulin and food...
Resolutions for Healthier Eyes
Do your eyes a favour and add an eye exam to your New Year’s resolution list! Booking an eye exam with an optometrist is a simple resolution that’s easy to keep and can help protect not only your vision, but your overall health and wellness too. “Many people think of...
Taking STEPS Towards A Healthy New You!
Taking the steps to become a healthier version of yourself, could not have come at a better time! Our world has turned upside down in this last year. The pandemic has changed so much in our lives and we want to ensure you are able to stay safe and healthy this year....
New Years’ Resolution Tips
Happy New Year! Many people will be setting new years’ resolutions this month and we want to make sure you succeed! A helpful way of setting goals is using the SMART framework. SMART stands for: Specific – sometimes goals start out as a broad concept like “I want to...
4 New Year’s Resolutions for Healthier Eyes
The beginning of the year is a great time to hit the reset button on poor health habits: here are four resolutions you can make to have healthier eyes in 2021: 1. Resolution One: I’ll eat a healthy diet and exercise. Your eyes need a sufficient amount of vitamins and...
Healthy Holidays!
If there were ever a year to emphasize health over the holidays, 2020 is it! While we are dealing with a pandemic locally and the world over, it is still flu season in Canada. This also tends to be a time of increased busyness, change of routine and cooler weather. ...
Healthy Feet Over The Holidays
As you know, the holiday season is quickly approaching! With that in mind, our Chiropody & Foot Care team would like to take this time to thank you all for your support throughout this difficult year. We wish you all the best over the holidays, and a very happy...
Staying Active Through the Winter
Many people struggle to keep active through the winter months because of the cold weather. This year has posed an extra challenge for us all with gym closures and other limitations. Despite this, we should still aim for 150 minutes of cardio activity per week such as...
7 Reasons You Need A Backup Pair Of Glasses
Accidents can and will happen so if you lose or break your glasses, having a spare will make sure your vision is never compromised.Contact lens wearer? Eye irritation is common when it comes to contacts, so make sure you have glasses with your current prescription...
Sharing Results and Advice from our Diabetes Awareness Month ABCDE’s Survey
Last month, LMC surveyed our patients about their diabetes health journey and asked them to share some of their personal advice. We received so much wonderful advice (over 700 hundred pages worth!) and we’d like to share some of that advice with you!A1C We were happy...
“D” is for “Drugs to decrease heart disease risk”
Why did my doctor prescribe something for cholesterol or high blood pressure if I don’t have these conditions? Having diabetes increases your risk of heart disease. Because of this, the diabetes treatment guidelines include medications to lower cholesterol, lower...